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Electronics and Communication Engineering Laboratory

The department has well equipped laboratories with modern instruments. There is one dedicated project laboratory where students implement various high-tech projects using recent technologies.

Laboratories of ECE

Basic Elecronics Lab

  • Objective: Basic electronics laboratory is the gateway of the electronics & communication engineering world. At the very beginning the students get familiarized with the various electronics instruments & components which basically equip them to construct complex circuits in near future. In this lab students build up preliminary electronic circuits and verify the results with theoretical concepts. Lab experiments are designed in such a fashion that the engineering skill of the students starts to enrich.
  • Instruments used: Experiments are performed using Function Generator, CRO, Regulated DC power supply, Bread Board, LED, Diode, Transistor, Logic Gate ICs, Op-amp ICs.

Digital Electronic & Integrated Circuits Lab

  • Objective: This lab course is meant to create a pathway into digital world through learning the fundamentals of digital electronics that deal with either 0 or 1. Most modern electronic devices such as mobile telephones and computers deal with digital data that depend on logic circuits of digital electronics. Hence the main objective of this lab is to let the students perform rigorous experiments to consolidate basic knowledge in digital electronics and thus they get to acquire advanced knowledge. This lab is to make the students experimentally familiar with the operation of different digital circuits and logic families such as DTL, TTL ECL and CMOS. In most of the experiments, the emphasis will be on how to obtain the desired outputs as described in theory.
  • Instruments used: Experiments are performed using Pulse Generator, DC Power Supply, and Various ICs (74XX etc.), Logic Probe & Breadboard.

Analog Electronics Lab

  • Objective: The aim of this lab is to correlate the theoretical concepts of various analog electronics circuits with practical feasibility; thereby students can learn different electronics circuits and its electrical characteristics in a better way. This lab provides ample opportunities towards students to design electronic solutions to meet specified requirements & test the design either on bread board or using simulation software. Thus the acquired knowledge guides them to implement various real time projects in future.
  • Instruments used: Experiments are performed using Digital Storage Oscilloscope, Function Generator, and Bread Board. IC’s, Power Supply etc. Students will use Multisim to test their electronic designs.

Signals and Systems Lab

  • Objective: In this laboratory student get acquainted that how the signals interact with the physical systems & realize the panoramic view of signals & systems. This signal processing concept is equally important to understand the fundamental concepts of digital signal processing & prerequisite to study of communication engineering. This Laboratory is specially designed to enhance the capabilities of the students for understanding the various tools of signal analysis through software based programming i.e. MATLAB programming.
  • Instruments used: Experiments are performed using MATLAB, MULTISIM etc. simulation software in highly configured computers.

Solid State Devices Lab

  • Objective: This newly introduced laboratory has the specific objective to relate the terminal characteristics (DC V -I, AC steady state V -I etc.) of devices to material parameters (doping, mobility, lifetime, energy gap etc.) and ambient conditions. In the last 30 years, solid state devices like transistors, MOSFETs etc. have evolved from an ordinary laboratory device to an integral part of the technology with applications in all aspects of modern electronic systems. Theoretical knowledge of electronic devices is justified when students realize the fundamentals of materials, device physics, various semiconductor devices such as BJT and JFET, device models and basic-building-block circuits (like RC coupled amplifier, etc) for complex integrated circuit, etc. in this very lab.
  • Instruments used: Components used here are: BJT (2N3055, CL100, BC548B); FET (BFW10, BFW11); MOSFET (IRF520, IRF540, IRF730, IRF820, IRF820); Resistances; Capacitances Apparatus used here are: Function Generator, CRO, Multi meter, Dual Power Supply.

Circuit Theory & Network Lab

  • Objective: The Circuit Theory laboratory is intended for the students to acquire in depth practical knowledge of theoretical laws, different circuit components and their functioning in electrical circuits. The laboratory experiments, mostly simulation based are designed in order to enhance the students’ understanding of important analytical principles developed in this course and let the students engage in different real time applications solving complex problems.
  • Instruments used: Experiments are performed using MATLAB, P-Spice, MULTISIM etc. simulation software in highly configured computers.

Microwave Engineering and Antena Lab

  • Objective: The main objective of Antennas and Microwave Laboratory is to familiarize the undergraduate students with the practical application of microwave, antenna and propagation, and also to enable our students to meet the engineering requirements in this field. Students will measure the radiation pattern (in E & H planes) with rotating antenna platforms, horn microwave absorbers and various antennas such as different lengths of dipole antennas, Yagi-Uda antennas, horn antennas, axial-mode helical antennas, waveguide slot antenna arrays and parabolic reflectors. There are also various waveguide components for carrying out experiments on microwave techniques which are all designed in waveguide technology R100 standard (Gunn diodes, isolators, Klystron power supply, PIN modulators, slotted lines, cross directional couplers, variable and fixed attenuators, frequency meters, SS tunner, circulator, movable short, matched terminal etc.). In addition, there are various instruments by which are used to measure SWR, pulse response, etc.
  • Instruments used: Microwave bench, Horn antenna bench, Klystron power supply, VSWR meter, SWR meter, Pyramidal Horn antenna, Ehsectorial antenna. Directional coupler 3db/10db, Antenna trainer system with all antenna including Micro strip antenna. Gunn Microwave Test Bench, KLYSTORN Microwave Test bench, Arbitrary function generator.

Digital Signal Processing Lab

  • Objective: DSP laboratory, built on the signals and systems fundamentals, mainly focuses on the learning of design, analysis and synthesis of various real time digital signals (either in time domain or in frequency domain) and systems employing different computation algorithms. Students learn the design flow from theory to software or hardware implementation and acquire practical knowledge by analysing signals, with examples from the real world. In this laboratory students also get the opportunity to learn a specialized microprocessor i.e. Digital signal Processor by writing and executing small programs.
  • Instruments used: Experiments are performed using MATLAB, MULTISIM etc. simulation software in highly configured computers.

Microprocessor & Microcontroller Lab

  • Objective: The purpose of this lab is to make the students compatible with the real time applications using Assembly language programming of 8085, 8086 microprocessors, and different microcontrollers like 8051 etc. Fundamental knowledge of microprocessor like basic architecture, operation, and special purpose applications, programming techniques & debugging skills, etc. - students may learn from this lab. This lab is very helpful to carry out high quality research works and to provide a platform to the students for multidisciplinary projects.
  • Instruments used: 8085Microprocessor Kit , 8086Microprocessor Kit .8ch.12bit ADC with Mux, 16ch.8bitADC interface, DAC for ADC interface, Traffic Light interface, Elevator Interface, Real Time clock interface, Key Board interface, Stepper Motor Interface, 8 Bit latch interface, Music Tone Generator, 7 Segment display. 8051Microcontroller Kit, Low cost 8051 Programmer, PC Based Logic analyser.

Analog & Digital Communication Engineering Lab

  • Objective: Communication engineering is the field of study concerned with the transmission of information either in analog or digital form. Though digital communication is more robust technology over analog communication, Analog communication system is still very popular due to its lower cost & less complicated circuitry. Analog transmission is a method of sending voice, data, image, signal, video etc. using a continuous time signal. Whereas digital communication enables the data to be transmitted in an efficient manner through the use of digitally encoded information. Analog & digital Communication laboratories mainly focus on training the students of transmission and reception of signals. Learning the concepts along with practical applications give the students immense pleasure and real motivation toward their studies.
  • Instruments used: Amplitude modem kit, Frequency modem kit, DSBSC Trainer Kit, SSBSC Trainer Kit, Pulse position modem Kit, Pulse Width modem kit, DSB/SSB/AM Trainer kit, Pulse Amplitude modem kit. Frequency conversion (mixture) kit, 110MHZ FM/AM signal generator, Power meter, Audio function generator, Sample & Reconstruction meter, Output power meter, Distortion meter.

Control System Lab

  • Objective: Control system is a multi-disciplinary engineering field that applies control theory to design systems with desired behaviors. With the technological advancements, need of automation is very much required in continuous process plants, industries that demands in depth study of control system. This very lab imparts the knowledge of building systems by interconnecting different components to the pupils and also let them study different measures of controlling systems to obtain desired response. In other words, this lab has been designed to meet the students with the ‘realities’ of the real-time environment by improving manufacturing processes, stability analysis, efficient energy use, advanced automobile control including rapid transit, etc.
  • Instruments used: Experiments are performed using MATLAB, P-Spice etc. simulation software in highly configured computers.

Optical Communication & N/W Lab

  • Objective: This lab helps the students to reinforce their fundamental knowledge of light wave communication systems which is supposed to be the backbone of the next generation communication systems and internet. Optical Communication lab deals with the experiments of optical fibre links, which less susceptible to noise and interference & provides higher bandwidth with the speed of light. Here students study the operation and characteristics of different optical sources such as LED, LASER etc. and measure the basic properties of the propagation of light in a guided-wave dielectric optical fibre, including attenuation and coupling.
  • Instruments used: Fibre Optics Trainer, Advanced fibre Optics Trainer, Laser FO Trainer, Optical Power Meter, FO LED Light Source, PMMA Patch Chord, Glass fibre Cable. Optical Path Demonstrator, FO Lab course Kit, Optical grade sample fibre Kit, FO Lab module. Speed of light Apparatus, Laser Receiver, Sandbox Holographic Kit, and Metrologic Ne Laser.

Computer Architecure Lab

  • Objective: Computer Architecture lab basically bridges the yawning gap between high-level language programming in computer science and VLSI design in electronics engineering. It defines the capabilities of a computer, its programming model in an abstract way, and how the internal organization of the system is designed and implemented to meet the specified capabilities. The lab ranges from translation of high-level language programs through design of instruction set architecture and micro architecture to the logic level design of computers. Hence the students get the opportunity of in-depth analysis of processor, its programming and looks out how to keep memory utilization efficiently, while maintaining adequate performance. In this lab synthesizable VHDL models are simulated & tested using Xilinx ISE tools and FPGA board (Spartan 3E).
  • Instruments used: Experiments are performed using Xilinx ISE tools and FPGA board (Spartan 3E).

VLSI Design Lab

  • Objective: The mission of the lab is to provide hands-on experience to students in the field of analog, digital and mixed-signal circuit design. The lab is designed with simple exercises to build familiarity and expertise among the students with the Mentor Graphics tools. The objective of the lab is to introduce students to CMOS VLSI design methodologies with emphasis on full-custom chip design. Students will make extensive use of CAD tools for IC design, simulation, and layout verification. Specific techniques for designing high-speed, low-power, and easily-testable circuits will also be covered.
  • Instruments used: Experiments are performed using Spartan 2 trainer kit (FPGA&CPLD With power supply), XILINX Spartan 3E trainer kit (FPGA), XILINX Software (XILINX11.1), Mentor Graphics software.

Electronic Circuit Design Lab

  • Objective: Innovativeness of the students & their understanding of the subjects are tested in this design Laboratory. This laboratory demands the essential knowledge of circuit design & fault analysis from the students which they learn during the four years of study of electronics & communication engineering. Along with the theoretical knowledge, the accumulated hands on experience also enhances by solving different design problems in this laboratory.
  • Instruments used: Most of the instruments which are used in other laboratories are used here also.

Electronic Device Lab

  • Objective: This newly introduced laboratory has the specific objective to relate the terminal characteristics (DC V -I, AC steady state V -I etc.) of devices to material parameters (doping level, conductivity, mobility, lifetime, energy gap etc.) and ambient conditions. In the last 30 years, Electronic devices like unipolar & bipolar transistors, MOSFETs etc. have evolved from an ordinary laboratory device to an integral part of the technology with applications in all aspects of modern electronic systems. Theoretical knowledge of electronic devices is justified when students realize the fundamentals of materials, device physics, various semiconductor devices such as BJT and JFET, device models and basic-building-block circuits (like RC coupled amplifier, etc.) for complex integrated circuit, etc. in this very lab.
  • Instruments used: Bread board, Transformer, P-N junction diode, Zener diode, Connecting wires. Components used here are: BJT (2N3055, CL100, BC548B); FET (BFW10, BFW11); MOSFET (IRF520, IRF540, IRF730, IRF820, IRF820); Resistances; Capacitances. Apparatus used here are: Function Generator, CRO, Multi meter, Dual Power Supply.

IoT Lab

  • Objective: The Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept in which sensors and actuators are interconnected and accessible remotely. It is becoming an increasingly important research field, as sensor costs decrease while the importance of data for decision-making increases. The IoT-Lab focuses on several research topics, such as low-power sensors, data-transmission technologies, resilient runtime environments, and middleware software components as well as data analysis and data visualization tools. The lab facilities are routinely used for teaching subjects related to environmental monitoring, sensor development, and control systems.
  • Instruments used: Arduino and Arduino-compatible development boards NodeMcu, Raspberry Pi single-board computers with cameras, touch screens, etc. Numerous and various environmental sensors (temperature, gas, air humidity, soil moisture, etc.), Various actuators (DC motors, stepper motors, pumps, etc.), Tinkercad software.